Thursday 18 September 2008

It wasn't me . . .

Spotted this letter in yesterday's The Sun

"Further to your report (Aug 22) about someone who shares my name, lives in the same town and is charged with having sex with a dog. I would like to make it clear that I am not involved in the case in any way. I accept The Sun's apologies for the distress caused to me and my family due to this confusion.
Thomas Matthew Fletcher
Tewkesbury, Gloucs"

So there are two Thomas Matthew Fletchers in Tewkesbury, one a suspected dog fucker, the other, not. Problem is, I still do not know which one is or is not. The Sun should publish a picture of the innocent party with the words 'Not a suspected dog fucker' written below it. It would look something like this:

Not a suspected dog fucker

I have used a picture of Harrison Ford to make my point absolutely clear.

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