Monday 15 September 2008

Sausage and Spice

There are so few details in this report, which makes it all the stranger that they felt it important to report that the attacker has no listed telephone number.;_ylt=AveLSCi_bhKRNn1JorayK9ntiBIF

'The sausage and Spice attacker', it has a romantic ring to it. Pity that he's probably severely mentally unwell.

On another note, forget tired childhood confectionary nostalgia. This is the future:;_ylt=AielQ4UtX.I50c_YNqQnRkrtiBIF

(Sings) Funny news, funny news, everyone likes to hear funny news, yeah!

Did anyone see Noel's HQ on Sky One? Bit strange wasn't it.

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