Thursday 16 October 2008

Sinister Puppet submission & Jackson movie madness

A sinister puppet video has been sent to me from Ruth (thank you Ruth). This has the added bonus of being very funny as well as deeply sinister.

Keep them coming. If I get enough sent to me, I may build some sort trophy to send to the winner. There is no closing date for this informal puppet contest. I'm no Ringo Starr, you can all send me as much stuff as you want, for as long as you want.
Peace and Love, peace and love.

On another note, I've just, thanks to my good friend Steve, watched 'The Man In The Mirror - The Michael Jackson Story'. It is simply unbelievable. Best scene for me was Michael's dad having a meeting with Michael and his mother. How did they show us, the viewers, that his was dad maybe a bit overbearing and evil?
He spent the whole scene polishing an Uzi. Subtle.
I urge everyone in the world to watch this film.

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